• American Dream
  • Memorial Day
  • sacrifice
  • Tariq Farid
  • veterans
Edible Arrangements veteran program

Edible Arrangements veteran program

As we prepare for the Memorial Day holiday, I am once again reminded how very fortunate we are to live in a land of freedom and opportunity.

I strongly believe we are blessed to be living in America, where our only limitations are the constraints we put on ourselves. But we must never forget that the life we enjoy is made possible because so many brave men and women have been willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice.

For many of us, the Memorial Day weekend will be filled with picnics and parties and other celebrations as we welcome the “unofficial start of summer.” In the midst of this, I hope we all will take a moment to pause with our families and remember those who have fallen in defense of freedom and made our way of life possible.

As others have said before me, they gave up all their tomorrows, so that we might have ours. For this, they deserve our remembrance and our eternal thanks.


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