After years of planning and hard work by the amazing Edible team, our franchisees and our agency partner Havas, I am very excited to announce that we have officially kicked off our transformation with a new “Edible is ❤ible” campaign. It launches just in time for one of our biggest holidays and the most important day for us all, Mother’s Day.
The campaign comes to life through national advertising commercials that celebrate “giftible” and “shareible” moments of goodness in people’s lives. At the “heart” of it all, we have created our own, custom designed emojis that reflect these moments in a fun and engaging way.
The launch is supported through social media, radio advertising, billboards and in-store marketing materials, all celebrating those lovible, momible, dipible, and other shareible moments of Edible goodness.
But this is just the beginning!
Over the coming months we will be transforming our brand, our stores and our team to not only deliver the best Arrangements and Boxed gifts but also incrEDIBLE treats. And stay tunible. We have something big planned in Junible.
Please let me know what you think and be sure to stop by one of our 1200+ store or visit to try our new gifts & treats.