A food drive at Master’s Manna ensures that 400 local children in need will not go hungry.
As I have written many times , I believe that with success comes a responsibility to help others. That is why the mission of the Tariq Farid Foundation is to provide support for organizations that work to relieve suffering or help individuals achieve success.
Connecticut, where the Edible Arrangements corporate offices are located, is considered one of the wealthiest states in the nation. But, as is the case in every state, in the midst of this wealth there are still those in need. That is why I am so grateful to have the resources to support nine soup kitchens and food pantries around the state of Connecticut. They are all run with extreme efficiency and by some of the most dedicated, hard-working and caring people I have come across.
Master’s Manna is one of these organizations. Located in Wallingford, CT, Master’s Manna truly stands out as amazing — even among all the other wonderful soup kitchens and food pantries that I support. They truly WOW me!
First, Master’s Manna is run by only one full-time and two part-time staff individuals who are supported by dozens and dozens of volunteers. What these dedicated people accomplish with so little is truly amazing, but I will get to that in a moment.
The first time I visited Master’s Manna, I noticed as soon as I walked in that the place is buzzing with activity. It’s friendly and welcoming and obvious that the volunteers—youth and adults alike—are happy to be there, helping.
The organization’s director, Cheryl Trzcinski, explained to me that many people who suddenly find themselves in need often hesitate to get help, even if they direly need it, because they are proud or embarrassed.
Cheryl shared with me one such story of a young woman who recently came to Master’s Manna and was visibly shaken and anxious when she walked in. After volunteers assisted the young woman, she explained that she had been coming to Master’s Manna since July, and would park in the parking lot but could not bring herself to walk through the door
Cheryl does not want anyone to suffer and makes sure that once someone in need walks through the doors of Master’s Manna they are treated with dignity. For example, the soup kitchen is called the “Family Dining Center.” Sadly, the term is fitting. Cheryl reports that the number of families with children who need assistance has steadily increased over the past few years. She says that many of the families that need help have one or both parents who are working, but still cannot make ends meet.
In addition to the Family Dining Center, Master’s Manna offers an amazing variety of services that include a food pantry, free primary health care services, eye exams, behavioral health counseling, dental services, a clothes and housewares pantry, showers and laundry facilities, and a computer lab for students and families. Master’s Manna is also an educational and vocational site for 45 differently abled students from local schools.
Master’s Manna is an amazing place and our local community is very fortunate to have them. You can find out even more about Master’s Manna, by visiting their website here.
If you have the ability and resources, I hope you will take the time to find a similar organization in your community and offer your support. You will not go unrewarded.