• Charity
  • Edible Arrangements
  • HUBCAP Wallingford
  • Master's Manna
  • passion
  • Philanthropy
  • Tariq Farid Foundation
  • volunteers

Over the years I am constantly amazed at the number of organizations and dedicated individuals who are working on a daily basis to help others. Often these organizations are right in our own backyard.

I had the opportunity to visit with two such organizations recently, and came away more convinced than ever that the need is great, and so is the importance of supporting those who are meeting that need.

The first was Master’s Manna, a local food pantry by first glance, but in reality so much more. I was given a tour by Executive Director Cheryl Trzcinski, and I was stunned at what they are able to accomplish with a limited staff and how they have so many engaged volunteers.

Edible Arrangements has provided fresh fruit to the organization in the past, but I had no idea about the full range of services until I took the tour.

The place was a beehive of activity while we were there: families were shopping for food at the food pantry, others were eating in the Family Dining Center, clothing was being sorted and hung by volunteers, two students from the Summer Youth Employment Program were in orientation, the Community Health Center was in operation providing primary health care to anyone who needed it, and much, much more.

Cheryl said it was just a “typical day.”

We are fortunate to have people such as Cheryl and her team at Master’s Manna in our community.

I also had the pleasure of meeting recently with several founders of HUBCAP Wallingford, a small business incubator that works with our local school system to provide students with mentoring opportunities with local businesses.

After touring HUBCAP and hearing what its founders are trying to accomplish, I knew I had to help. Their mission reminded me of my own experience of working at a flower shop while in elementary school and being encouraged and inspired by the owner. I have been blessed to meet so many people over the years that gave me kind words of advice, and here is an organization doing the same.

When I created the Tariq Farid Foundation it was exactly these types of organizations that I was hoping to be able to support, and I was honored to be able to do so.

The passion of the individuals involved with these two organizations and the work they do is truly inspirational. I know that in every community across America there are similar organizations and individuals doing their part to build a stronger community, and I encourage you to seek them out and offer your support.

Sadly, there will always be a need, but fortunately there are those who are ready and willing to help. As leaders of our community, it is our responsibility to make sure they have the resources they need to fulfill their mission.


I am excited to announce the launch of a new website for the Tariq Farid Foundation. To learn more about our work, please click here to visit The Tariq Farid Foundation.



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  • business success
  • college
  • Edible Arrangements
  • Entrepreneurship
  • passion
  • Products
  • Tariq Farid Entrepreneur

Given my background, some might have considered me “least likely to succeed.” As an immigrant of Pakistani descent who moved to the United States as a child and worked a series of odd jobs to help my family make ends meet but never graduated college, I did not follow the traditional path to business success. I have never let labels hold me back, however.

In my latest contribution to Entrepreneur, I discuss some of the ways I have found to overcome obstacles on the path to building successful companies such as Edible Arrangements and Netsolace, and how passion goes a long way in turning a “least likely to succeed” into a “most likely.” You can read the entire article here.


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