There are milestones in the life of any business and we have seen our share of them. . . . we opened our first franchise after only two years of operation, and in 12 short years we have agreements for 1100 franchises in 15 countries. But you know you’ve really made it when Stephen Colbert features your product on his “Colbert Report.” I missed the broadcast because I was flying home from China, but I was amused to learn that on Tuesday night, Stephen suggested that anyone interested in sponsoring his debate should let him know by sending him an “Edible Arrangement” . . . and I was even more entertained when National Geographic channel did just that the following night! I couldn’t agree more with Stephen – we are the perfect messenger for sending all your sentiments! Check out the clip “Stephen Colbert’s South Carolina Serious Classy Debate – Nat Geo Wild’s Response” on the Colbertnation website.