When I created Edible Arrangements in 1999, and again when the first franchise location opened in 2001, I was convinced the idea would be successful. I could never have imagined, however, that less than two decades later we would have more than 1,200 locations worldwide.
And little could I have imagined that one day we would be ranked among the Top 35 franchise systems in the world! But that is exactly where Edible Arrangements ranks in the 2016 Franchise 500 as can be found in the January issue of Entrepreneur Magazine. We also rank #1 in the world in the Gift category.
The Franchise 500 is considered the most prestigious and comprehensive of the various franchise rankings and, unlike some of the others, it is based entirely on objective, quantifiable criteria such as financial strength and stability, growth rate and size of the system. The editors also consider the number of years a company has been in business as well as such items as the length of time a company has been franchising, startup costs, litigation, percentage of terminations and whether the company provides financing. Financial data is analyzed by an independent CPA.
Edible Arrangements has been a fixture in the Entrepreneur rankings since 2006, when we ranked #180. The next year we had climbed all the way to #56 and by 2008 we were ranked among the Top 50 franchises in the world. We have never ranked outside the Top 50 since then, and this year’s #35 position is our highest ranking ever.
Being considered one of the world’s premier franchise systems is humbling and it is a testament to the outstanding team of professionals at the corporate office as well as our dedicated and passionate franchisees around the world.
Congratulations to everyone at Edible Arrangements for this tremendous honor. It is well-deserved.
If you or someone you know would like information on how to become a part of our amazing franchise family, please visit our website at www.ediblearrangements.com/franchiseopportunities.