• Charity
  • children
  • disease prevention
  • healthcare
  • Non-profit support
  • Philanthropy
  • Polio
  • Tariq Farid donations
  • Tariq Farid Foundation

One of the great advantages of living in the United States is the access we have to excellent healthcare. Unfortunately, in some parts of the world people still needlessly die because of lack of vaccines for diseases that have been eradicated here.

For example, approximately 1.5 million children die every year from diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, measles and polio that are preventable with vaccines.

Take polio, for example. This horribly debilitating disease attacks the nervous system and can cause muscle weakness, paralysis and even death. While eradicated in the US in 1979, polio has recently reemerged in areas that had been polio-free for years and is currently endemic in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Angola, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are also experiencing a resurgence in polio cases.

That is why I am excited to announce that The Tariq Farid Foundation is joining forces with the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign to fight polio in developing countries.

Specifically, the Foundation is making a contribution to Shot@Life that will provide 10,000 polio vaccines to children.

As Shot@Life Director Devi Thomas said in announcing our contribution, the world is close to eradicating polio. It is my hope that our support will play a role in putting us that much closer.

The mission of the Shot@Life campaign is to educate, connect and empower Americans to help protect children in developing countries from vaccine-preventable diseases, as well as provide life-saving vaccines to children in need. If you would like to learn more about Shot@Life or to donate, fundraise or advocate, I encourage you to visit the organization’s website by clicking here.

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  • Charity
  • Chrysalis
  • Farid Foundation
  • fighting abuse
  • Non-profit support
  • Philanthropy
  • safety
  • support
  • Tariq Farid donations
  • Tariq Farid Foundation
  • Wallingford
  • women and children

Some of the amazing Chrysalis volunteers and staff.

One of the aims of the Tariq Farid Foundation is to improve the lives of women and children. As a result, we support quite a few organizations that achieve this.

One of these organizations, the Meriden-Wallingford Chrysalis, provides safety and support for women and children at a time when they need it most — when they are trying to escape a violent situation.

In addition to providing a short-term emergency shelter and longer-term transitional housing, Chrysalis provides a continuum of care that includes individual in-person and/or phone support. They also provide advocacy through the medical, legal, police or social services systems as well as providing support groups and safety planning.

All this remarkable work and the vital services are provided to women and children absolutely free.

As an organization, Chrysalis lives and operates under this truth: “No matter what the situation, nobody deserves to be battered or abused. Everybody deserves to live a life free from violence, fear and abuse. These are universal truths, no matter what your situation.”

Equally impressive, the organization is now partnering with other organizations to prevent violence before it starts by working with men and with youth. To learn more about this amazing organization, you can check out their Facebook page here or their website here.



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  • celebrate
  • Charity
  • family
  • friends
  • loved ones
  • New Year
  • opportunity
  • relief
  • Tariq Farid Foundation

As we come to the close of another year and reflect on what we’ve done and where we are going, I’d like to share my warmest wishes with you for a wonderful 2015.

Over the past year, I’ve been fortunate to be able to support, through the Tariq Farid Foundation, close to 20 organizations that work to make the world a better place for everyone. About half of these organizations work to relieve suffering of those in need; some by providing warm meals and food and others by providing free healthcare. Other organizations that I have supported provide skill development opportunities for children and adults, helping them develop skills that will allow them to achieve their full potential.

Working with these organizations has allowed me to come face to face with the immense need that exists in the world. So, as our lives get busier and busier, with so much seemingly bad news in the world, let’s remember to take a step back and realize how lucky we are. Let’s also never forget to help those in need whenever we can.

Let’s remember to take the time to celebrate what’s good in life. Let’s make sure we are kind to each other. Let’s also make sure we take the time to spend with our loved ones—family and friends!

My best wishes to you all for a safe, happy, healthy and wonderful new year! Don’t forget to celebrate what’s good in life!


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  • Charity
  • Edible Arrangements
  • Farid Foundation
  • Non-profit support
  • Philanthropy
  • Tariq Farid donations
  • Tariq Farid Foundation

One of the unfortunate side effects of our digital age is that unfounded and hateful allegations can be easily spread to the public, even years after they have been dismissed as untrue.

I have experienced this firsthand due to the recent reappearance of old rumors by extremist bloggers regarding charitable contributions made through our non-profit organizations to worthwhile causes. Even the Anti-Defamation League has dismissed the accusations as baseless, but they continue to live online nevertheless.

As I have written many times before, when I started Edible Arrangements from a small storefront in East Haven, Connecticut, I had no idea it would achieve the success we have enjoyed over the last 15 years. From the start I have focused on building the business the right way, based on the values I was taught as a child.

Thanks to the passion and trust of our franchisees, who are from all walks of life, all cultures and faiths, Edible Arrangements has grown beyond my wildest dreams. I am living proof that the American Dream is still alive and well.

As I have also written in the past, with success comes responsibility. My faith is clear that I have a responsibility to share a portion of my success for the benefit of society, and one of my true joys has been providing support to organizations and causes who are helping those less fortunate.

Sadly, two of these contributions have been the focus of the hate-mongers who have used them to attack, me, my family and, as a result, everyone at Edible Arrangements.

Anyone who knows me and my family, knows there is no truth to them.

At the time, the accusations were so outrageous that I felt it best not to acknowledge them publicly. When customers, franchisees, friends or business associates asked me about them, I reassured them they were not true. By addressing them publicly, however, I felt I would only give them the credibility they didn’t deserve and cause undue concern.

Due to the recent turmoil in the Middle East, however, those looking for villains have again given life to these ridiculous rumors. And, I feel I must address them now.

In 2011, the Farid Foundation made a contribution to ICNA Relief USA, a New York City-based subset of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), for the purpose of building housing for battered women. ICNA Relief, which has also partnered with such important organizations as FEMA, the Red Cross and Catholic Charities, provides a wide range of services designed to help those in need. I am proud that we were able to join many other businesses and organizations in providing a refuge for these women.

In 2012, we again joined many other well-known businesses and organizations in supporting a street festival organized by Inner City Muslim Action Network. Among other purposes, the event was designed to encourage healthy eating habits among youth. During a franchisee meeting in Chicago I had the opportunity to visit their clinic and halfway houses for people making the transition from prison back into society. I was moved by the work they are doing in this area. The organization’s clinic and food distribution network are nationally recognized. Our support is small, compared to that provided by the U.S. Department of State and other major corporations, but I am very supportive of the programs this organization provides in its community and proud to be among its supporters.

Even though both of these organizations and projects are supported by many well-known businesses and organizations, and both have been honored by the White House, for some reason our contributions have been singled out, and their purpose twisted by those who would use them to spread their hate.

As with most charitable organizations, I understand that questions will sometimes be raised about where the money is going and how it is used. That is why we have always been very transparent about which organizations we support.

We are very careful in our selection process to make sure that our support goes to legally recognized, non-profit organizations, and, as much as possible, that our contributions are used for the causes for which they have been requested.

Below is a list of causes that we have supported over the years. I would be the first one to take an organization to task if I ever learned that our contributions had been used to spread hate and bigotry.

Our company is based on celebrating what is good in life, and I will continue to willingly share my success by supporting those who are helping others lead a better life.

After all, helping others is the American way.


Following is a comprehensive overview of support provided through the Tariq Farid Foundation, the Farid Foundation and Edible Arrangements.









For more about the The Farid Foundation, I invite you to visit www.TariqFaridFoundation.org.


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  • Charity
  • Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen
  • GivingTuesday
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association (IAVA).
  • Non-profit support
  • Philanthropy
  • Tariq Farid donations
  • Tariq Farid Foundation

In 2012 Henry Timms, executive director of the acclaimed cultural and community center 92nd Street Y, created #GivingTuesday as a way to harness the goodwill of the holiday season. His idea was to use the day as a time to promote giving back to those in need, to your community, to raise awareness of important causes and to simply perform acts of kindness that make the world a nicer place. All of these things are important year-round, but especially on the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Very quickly, more organizations joined the #GivingTuesday effort, including our friends at the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) as well as the United Nations Foundation , Mashable and many other organizations and companies.

That’s why I am so happy to share the news that I have made a contribution to another amazing organization that helps those in need, the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK).

Located in New Haven, Connecticut, DESK has been in existence for 30 years and serves thousands and thousands of meals every year. As I have heard from many of the other soup kitchens and food pantries that are supported by the Tariq Farid Foundation, the need has been increasing steadily over the past couple of years even after a large portion of the economy is said to have been recovered.

In 2013, DESK provided 132,333 evening meals at its soup kitchen, 65,114 food pantry bags and 22,600 bag lunches. In 2010, shortly after the height of the great recession, these numbers were lower at 104,008; 58,522 and 14,760 respectively. Even as the economy improves as a whole, it is clearly not improving for everyone.

The faces of those who need to use the services of the DESK soup kitchen are also changing, and now include more working adults and working families with children who, even though they are working, cannot always afford food.

Despite the growing need for the services provided by DESK, some funding sources have dwindled, making it harder for DESK to meet demand. If there is an organization you’d like to assist this #GivingTuesday, I’d proudly suggest DESK. To learn more about DESK, go here and to donate, go here.

It’s great to have a day set aside to bring recognition to the importance of giving back—to your community, to a cause, to those in need. But this is just one day! Let’s use this day to remind ourselves that giving back is always important and shouldn’t happen only once a year! So, whether it’s a small donation, a large donation, helping to raise awareness of a cause, volunteering your time or performing acts of kindness, let’s keep the spirit of #GivingTuesday alive year round!

And in honor of #GivingTuesday, I want to share a few photos of some of the DESK volunteers who are giving on a daily basis.

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