Without our franchisees, there would literally be no Edible Arrangements International franchise system. It’s so important to remember that, and always work with franchisees to make our company the best that it can be. They’re the lifeblood of what we do, and it’s only through keeping in touch with them that we continue to grow and meet their needs.
That’s the reason we instituted what we call our Fruit Summit last year, and ever since, we’ve been utilizing Fruit Summit to strengthen that partnership like never before. We just held our latest Fruit Summit here in our corporate office in Wallingford, and it reminded me just why it’s such a crucial element to our success.
A select group of franchisees is invited to participate, and join us here for several days of discussion, debate, and sharing of ideas. We get their feedback on new initiatives and concepts, learning what works and what doesn’t work. They share their experiences in the field with us, making sure we never lose touch with what’s going on out there in the “real world”. They also get to learn exactly how things work on the corporate end. Putting it simply, it’s the perfect opportunity to keep us all on the same page, and a valuable, educational experience for all of us.
Fruit Summit helps us to determine the course we’re charting. It keeps us grounded, and gives me a chance to interact directly with our franchisees, which I always appreciate being able to do. We’ve got one more Fruit Summit planned for later this year, and I’m already looking forward to it. I have no doubt our franchisees will WOW me, just like they always do.